Discover the outdoor design and decorating project we completed in Puerto Del Rosario.
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The greatest thing about having a terrace in your home in the #CanaryIslands is the fact that you can create a relaxing ambient where to host a barbecue, sunbathe on loungers and watch the sunset while having a drink. When these clients contacted us to design their outdoor space, they dreamed of having a swimming pool and a comfortable bohemian style chillout area where to invite friends or simply enjoy a good book.

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During our first meeting at the property we found a small outdoor area on the same level as the living room where, going down a concrete staircase, we reached the terrace. We immediately agreed that some structural changes had to be made, like separating the small patio from the terrace area with a sliding glass door and building a custom-made kitchen for the barbecue area and wooden built-in benches.
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Before the #renovation started, we began working on a 3D render so the clients could see our vision in terms of usage of the space, colour palette and outdoor furniture. As #interiordesigners we know the importance a 3D space plan can have during the project. In fact, when we reviewed it with the clients, they happily agreed with us to opt for a jacuzzi rather than a swimming pool and create a floor planter with palms and plants to create an exotic vibe.

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The outdoor design gives priority to keeping the space open and choosing white for the floor, walls and table, chairs and loungers helped us achieving a modern and minimal style. As for the #outdoordécor, we included an ethnic flavour. Dust pink floor cushions that match with the pink wall and monochromatic black and white Moroccan prints on cushions. To create a true bohemian atmosphere, we added colourful fabrics, #homedecorations and a tiled wall and floor with an eastern decorative motif for the chill-out area.
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We managed this outdoor renovation step by step, to let the stress off our client’s shoulders. This includes dealing with the carpenter and the renovation company to make sure our kitchen design and custom-made pieces were created and assembled as planned. After many meetings, various colour testing, selecting tiles and shopping for plants, the project went on without any problem.

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Para su #decoración al aire libre, nuestros clientes han podido elegir muebles, accesorios y decoraciones para exteriores directamente de nuestra lista personal de proveedores que les permitió no solo una selección más amplia de productos, sino también precios competitivos en #mueblesdediseño en comparación con lo que puedes encontrar en la Isla de Fuerteventura. Si te gusta este proyecto de diseño de exteriores, puedes aportar un toque de estilo bohemio a tu hogar con algunos productos exclusivos disponibles en nuestra tienda en línea, como el cojín de piso Tejeda o el cojín de algodón rosa Tefía para una vida al aire libre cómoda y exótica. También puedes encontrar la funda de cojín étnico Tasartico con su motivo en blanco y negro y la colorida y bohemia funda de cojín Jaral. Hacemos envíos a todas las Islas Canarias.
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With Noogar you can plan your terrace, garden or patio design the way you always wanted to and finally create a little oasis within your home. A place that makes you feel like you are on a holiday, a place where to see the sky or the sea, or both, that feels personal and intimate. A place that feels like a mirage, but it is real. The right interior design and decorating plan, no matter how big or small your space is, can tremendously transform your #outdoorliving

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Contact us for a free consultation to discover all the interior design services we can offer for your home and visit the Noogar Shop to discover more bohemian style products and quality outdoor furniture.

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