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Terms and Conditions



These General Conditions regulate the procurement of the services offered on the website, owned by Fabio Esposito (hereinafter, NOOGAR).

The acquisition of any of the services entails the full and unreserved acceptance of each one of the General Conditions indicated, without prejudice to the acceptance of the Particular Conditions that may be applicable when purchasing certain services.

These General Conditions may be modified without prior notification; therefore, it is recommended to carefully read their content before proceeding to purchase any of the services offered.



1. Identification


NOOGAR, in compliance with the Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, informs you that:

• His company name is Fabio Esposito

• Its commercial name is: NOOGAR

• His NIF is: Y6229168T

• Its registered office is at: C / Las Huertas 16, 35640 Villaverde, Las Palmas (Spain).

• He is registered as an Interior Designer (Decorador - Diseñador de Interiores) at the Social Security (Seguridad Social) and in the "Hacienda".



2. Communications


To communicate with us, we offer you different means of contact that we detail below:

• Calling the phone number: + 34 683127400

• Sending an email to


All notifications and communications between users and NOOGAR will be considered effective, for all purposes, when they are made through any of the means detailed above.



3. Procurement Process


To make any procurement of services at, the customer must be of legal age.

In addition, it will be necessary for the client to sign a data collection form in which NOOGAR is provided with the necessary information for the procurement OR these data will provided to NOOGAR via email; data that in any case will be truthful, accurate and complete about their identity and that the client must expressly consent to by accepting NOOGAR's privacy policy.

It is also recommended that the customer prints and/or keeps a durable copy of the conditions of sale when placing their order, as well as the receipt sent by NOOGAR by email.



The client consents to the invoice being received in electronic format. The client will receive the invoice via email at the end of the job.



4. Payment method


You can pay via Bank Transfer, in favor of Fabio Esposito (Noogar), at the account number indicated on the Proforma Invoice you will receive before starting the job. Must indicate at the time of transfer the name of the customer and the Proforma Invoice number. Remember to send an email to with proof of payment.


If it is necessary to make any return or cancellation of the procurement of services, the amount will be refunded through the same payment account.



5. Customer Service and Claims


To file any complaint or claim with NOOGAR, the client must contact the customer service department either at the phone number 683127400, or by sending an email to (it is optional to attach a Claim Sheet).

According to the EU Online Dispute Resolution on consumer matters and pursuant to Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, we inform you that the European Commission provides all consumers with an online dispute resolution platform that is It is available at the following link:


The parties submit, at their choice, for the resolution of conflicts and renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of NOOGAR's domicile. The language used will be Spanish.








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